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Tips & Tricks: A Quick Service Guide for Researchers!!
Tips & Tricks: A Quick Service Guide for Researchers!!

New to Respondent? Need to brush up on your Researcher skills? Here are our Top Tips to be a successful Respondent Researcher!

Justin L avatar
Written by Justin L
Updated over a week ago

How does Respondent Recruit?

Simple! We publish to an established audience, then we match the criteria of your study with people who have already signed up to the Respondent platform. We also encourage the old "sharing is caring" mantra. Professionals can share your survey link across multiple channels to cast the widest net!

  1. Target Audience:
    We double your target audience, so, for example, if you target 30 people in your screener, we'll double it to 60! When our built-in algorithms hit the maximum target number, your project will Pause. You can unpause the project at any time and keep searching for more candidates. Filter your target audience by Age, Location, Education, Ethnicity, and more!

  2. What if the project is under-target?
    Your project might be so unique that finding enough of a target audience isn't as realistic as it seemed based on the original criteria of your screener. The fix? Duplicate the project, change or add your qualifying questions, and increase the number of people you want to target!

  3. You can target specifically Industry Professionals with subject matter expertise, or you can target the General Population! Either way, Respondent will help you find your perfect target audience!


You can invite your own Participants to your research project with a unique project link URL. Users who have joined our marketplace via your link are listed differently from Participants recruited by the platform. A "self-recruited" tag is placed next to their profile in the 'view responses' pane of your project dashboard.

What is a Survey Screener?

The Survey Screener lets you place all the focus on the details of your project! This is where you get to flourish and get creative. You want to reach a large enough audience to gather robust and helpful data. That said, we recommend 10-12 screener questions.

  • Ask qualifying questions - to find people who are subject matter experts.

  • Ask disqualifying questions - to eliminate people who don't know exactly what you're looking for. A disqualifying answer does not eliminate the Participant from the project recruitment.

  • Use Skip Logic to create custom paths through the survey screener. Skip Logic shows the Participant's specific questions based on a response to a previous question. Participants that do not answer a Skip Logic question correctly can potentially be eliminated from Survey Screener, and will not appear in your project dashboard as part of your recruitment.

    Survey Screener Questions

    There are myriad ways to create your Survey Screener. You can choose the Survey Screener's layout in our customized template, and build in all the questions you want to ask!

  • We offer a wide range of Q&A options, and you can also choose to add an NDA to your Survey Screener.

    • If you're asking Multiple Choice questions, be sure to include answers like All of the Above, None of the Above, or select Add "Other" answer with a comment field.

    • If you want to learn about specific Participant behaviors and experiences, select Single- or Multi-line text box answers. This allows participants to answer in a few sentences or a details paragraph.

    • Get as much information as possible about your potential Participants before inviting them to participate. It helps our recruiting algorithms search for the very best candidates.

  • Preview your screener a few times before you're ready to launch. Click on the Preview Screener button in the upper right-hand corner at any time while you're creating the Survey Screener. This feature is especially handy if you're incorporating Skip Logic into some of your questions.

What your Screener looks like on our customer-facing project dashboard after you publish your research study.

This is what your screener questions look like when Participants are applying to your screener.

What the Participant Sees Upon Completing Your Screener Survey

Communicating with Participants Before, During & After Your Project

  1. Your screener isn't the only communication tool you'll use after you launch your project. When you publish your project a personalized message center opens within the project. You can send an NDA, ask for images, and communicate any important information to your qualified participants before scheduling them for an interview.

  2. Rescheduling and Canceling.

    Rescheduling: Rescheduling must be done by the participant, however, the researcher has the option to allow the participant to reschedule. We encourage researchers to communicate scheduling conflicts or rescheduling requests as soon as possible in the message center inside the project.

    Cancellation: If the researcher attempts to cancel within the 4-hour time window of the scheduled time slot, then the researcher is liable to pay respondent incentives & service fees in full.

  3. Once you close your project, the message feature is disabled. Make sure all of your participant's attendance is documented correctly and that all of the incentive payments are processed. Please mark all participants who attended and completed the project, pay the posted incentive, and then close the project. If you have any questions regarding a participant's attendance or paying an incentive, reach out to our Customer Success Team for assistance prior to closing your project.


When you've received the number of responses required for your scheduled interviews, please mark any Participant not scheduled to participate as CANCELLED, not NO-SHOW.

Your Project Details - Participants View in their Project Dashboard

After applying for a screener, the status in the Participant's dashboard says SUBMITTED. Once you select the participants you'd like to move to the next round, you'll send invitations to schedule virtual 1:1, Focus Groups, or in-person/on-site projects.

The details for your meetings can be listed in the Project Details in the Project Pitch section when you're creating your Screener.

Think of the Project Details as a virtual billboard; representing who you are, and all the good information about your organization and your project. Share all the relevant details so your Participant is ready at the designated time and understands exactly what is required.

Clicking on the name of your project, in the participant's dashboard, opens the customized Project Detail card. This is where all of the information your participants need to know about your project is stored.

Note: Please do not paste outbound links in the project details section. All virtual meeting links or links to a UX testing site should be placed in the calendar & booking section or sent through the message center in the research project dashboard.

Sending an Invitation to the Participant

When you've decided which qualified Participants you want to speak to, it's time to send them an invitation to meet with you virtually or in person.

Pay as You Go or Purchase a Subscription

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We offer 2 main payment options at Respondent -- Paying as you go via credit card, or purchasing B2B or B2C credits when you're creating your project. You can also purchase a subscription plan and save money on your recruitment costs!

Buying credits via ACH (invoice payments)

B2B & B2C credits can also be purchased via ACH through online invoicing. When purchasing credit via an invoice, we will need either a signed Statement of Work (SOW) or a completed PO to proceed.

Contact our friendly Support Team, for more information.

Contact and kindly CC your AP Team when applicable. For more information on our enterprise pricing structure or to submit a PO reach out to

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