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Adding Colleagues and Research Assistants to Your Organization
Adding Colleagues and Research Assistants to Your Organization

To keep things neat and tidy, Respondent allows 1 Owner per Organization, or what we commonly refer to as the ORG

Justin L avatar
Written by Justin L
Updated over a week ago

Your Org & your research projects will have many moving parts. As you continue to add new projects the likelihood of needing to add team members will increase!

Organization Owners can add colleagues, to join their ORG in Respondent. You will send a link from your ORG via email. Once added, a colleague can sign up for a Respondent account, and have access to all the projects in the account.


Across your Organization and Teams, you will discover different settings and permissions for the ORG Owner, ADMINS, and MEMBERS.




  • 1 OWNER per ORG

  • Edit ORG privacy settings

  • Edit all account settings (ORG/TEAM)

  • Access to billing information

  • Add, edit, and delete payment methods

  • 1 OWNER per Team

  • Edit Team Details

  • Edit Billing Details

  • Receive Billing Receipts (email)

  • Transfer Credits

  • Manage TEAMS & Admins & Members

  • Permission to delete a Team


  • Same permissions as ORG Owner except

    • cannot update or delete payment information

    • cannot change themselves to an owner with permission.

  • Same permissions as Team owner except:

    • cannot delete the team;

    • manage edit owner permissions;

    • and does not receive spend report/receipt emails.


  • Access billing history and view credit balances

  • Can add Members

  • View projects and billing history

To access your Organization settings:

Click on the icon in the upper right-hand corner of your project dashboard > Organization

Here is how you invite your ADMINS and MEMBERS to your ORG:

  1. Click "Manage Organization" in the left-hand menu.

  2. Click "Manage Invitations."

  3. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.

  4. Select their role at the organization.

  5. Indicate the team(s) within the Org they will be added to and do research!

  6. Click "Invite."

OK! You sent your invitations for colleagues to join your ORG! Now what? Nothing really, just wait for them to accept! But what if someone who wants to join your ORG that you didn't invite?

NOTE: Team members must be in the Organization Tab to re-invite, or delete an invitation.

Approve a Pending Invitation

Your colleagues and peers at your company can also request to join your ORG, just so long as they create a Respondent Researcher account! Organization Owners can approve those requests on the Team page.

  1. Click "Settings"

  2. Scroll to "Organization"

  3. Click "Manage Users"

  4. Under "Invitations"

  5. Click the blue "Approve" button to confirm the request to join, or click the trash can button if you want to deny the request to join.

  6. Once they've been approved, you'll want to add them to a team via "Unassigned Users" right above the list of requests!

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