To help you organize your participants, we offer you the option to hide a research participant without completely removing them from your project. You can easily hide and unhide a participant via the Participants tab.
How to Hide a Participant
Click on the Project Name to view the project dashboard
Click the Participants tab
Click on the options button on the participant that you want to hide
Select Hide Participant
How to Unhide a Participant
Click on the Project Name to view the project dashboard
Click the Participants tab
Click on the Visibility Filter
Select Hidden
Click the options button and select Unhide Participant
You can only unhide participants that haven’t been scheduled/invited to participate.
To unhide a scheduled/invited participant, and add them back into your project dashboard, cancel the invitation. Click on Cancel & Reinvite, and make sure to click on enable reschedule too! A notification will be sent to the participant with instructions to log in and reschedule their appointment.