Although Respondent is a global platform, we specialize in recruiting remote, qualitative interviews from countries with high incidences of English speakers.
Our primary target markets include 21 countries (from a total of 242 targetable countries): Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines,Singapore, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This is the same list of countries available to select in the Country selection field, under the Location section during project set-up.
💡 Recruit participants in 242 countries via Respondent. View all countries.
You can now recruit across multiple countries from the above list, within a single project by selecting all the countries you wish to target in the project creation flow > Location section. You can also choose to further target specific cities within countries that you have chosen to target with a project.
A few key things to note:
If no countries are included, the project targeting defaults to worldwide
Cities can only be added if the country is first included
In the above example, Delhi, India is only searchable once India is added as a target country
In-person projects can only enter one specific address (no change)
Global Recruiting
You can still recruit globally by selecting Worldwide in the Country drop-down. By selecting Worldwide your research project will be matched with candidates across the world.
So if your team is looking to recruit in a specific country outside of that list, you will need to add a screening question that only qualifies your target country.
For example, if your team was targeting responses from Participants that live in Mexico you would add a question like this:
Participants from other countries can still apply to your project, however, you will see an ❌ in their screener answers in the project dashboard indicating that they were disqualified when answering this screener question.
This is a great opportunity to use Skip Logic in this screener question. Adding skip logic to certain questions lets you create a custom pathway through the screener.
Basically, skip logic makes your questions skip forward based on how the participants answer the current question.
If you want to recruit in multiple countries which are not part of the targetable countries listed at the top of this article, we recommend two methods:
Create a project specific to each Country
Use the Worldwide screener method above and Qualify multiple selections in your screener
It's also important to note that Respondent's participant sign-up page is currently only available in English. So generally, survey responses from any country will skew toward English speakers within that country, and countries with low incidences of English speakers will yield fewer responses.
Comprehensive list of countries you can use Respondent to recruit participants in (sorted alphabetically):
Countries you can recruit in (A - I)
Afghanistan | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Cote D'Ivoire | Gambia |
Aland Islands | Botswana | Croatia | Georgia |
Albania | Bouvet Island | Cuba | Germany |
Algeria | Brazil | Curaçao | Ghana |
American Samoa | British Indian Ocean Territory | Cyprus | Gibraltar |
Andorra | Brunei Darussalam | Czech Republic | Greece |
Anguilla | Bulgaria | Denmark | Greenland |
Antarctica | Burkina Faso | Djibouti | Grenada |
Antigua and Barbuda | Burundi | Dominica | Guadeloupe |
Argentina | Cambodia | Dominican Republic | Guam |
Armenia | Cameroon | Ecuador | Guatemala |
Aruba | Canada | Egypt | Guernsey |
Austria | Cape Verde | El Salvador | Guinea |
Australia | Cayman Islands | Equatorial Guinea | Guinea-Bissau |
Azerbaijan | Central African Republic | Eritrea | Guyana |
Bahamas | Chad | Estonia | Haiti |
Bahrain | Chile | Ethiopia | Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands |
Bangladesh | China | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | Holy See (Vatican City State) |
Barbados | Christmas Island | Faroe Islands | Honduras |
Belarus | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Fiji | Hong Kong |
Belgium | Colombia | Finland | Hungary |
Belize | Comoros | France | Iceland |
Benin | Congo | French Guiana | India |
Bermuda | Congo, Democratic Republic of | French Polynesia | Indonesia |
Bhutan | Cook Islands | French Southern Territories | Iran, Islamic Republic Of |
Bolivia | Costa Rica | Gabon |
Countries you can recruit in (I - S)
Iraq | Macao | Netherlands Antilles | Rwanda |
Ireland | Macedonia | New Caledonia | Saint Helena |
Isle of Man | Madagascar | New Zealand | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Israel | Malawi | Nicaragua | Saint Lucia |
Italy | Malaysia | Niger | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Jamaica | Maldives | Nigeria | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Japan | Mali | Niue | Samoa |
Jersey | Malta | Norfolk Island | San Marino |
Jordan | Marshall Islands | Northern Mariana Islands | Sao Tome and Principe |
Kazakhstan | Martinique | Norway | Saudi Arabia |
Kenya | Mauritania | Oman | Senegal |
Kiribati | Mauritius | Pakistan | Serbia |
North Korea | Mayotte | Palau | Seychelles |
South Korea | Mexico | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | Sierra Leone |
Kosovo | Micronesia | Panama | Singapore |
Kuwait | Moldova | Papua New Guinea | Slovakia |
Kyrgyzstan | Monaco | Paraguay | Slovenia |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Mongolia | Peru | Solomon Islands |
Latvia | Montenegro | Philippines | Somalia |
Lebanon | Montserrat | Pitcairn | South Africa |
Lesotho | Morocco | Poland | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Liberia | Mozambique | Portugal | Spain |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Namibia | Puerto Rico | Sri Lanka |
Liechtenstein | Nauru | Qatar | Sudan |
Lithuania | Nepal | Reunion | Suriname |
Luxembourg | Netherlands | Romania | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
Countries you can recruit in (S - Z)
Swaziland | Ukraine |
Sweden | United Arab Emirates |
Switzerland | United Kingdom |
Tajikistan | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Tanzania, United Republic of | United States |
Thailand | Uruguay |
Timor-Leste | Uzbekistan |
Togo | Vanuatu |
Tokelau | Venezuela |
Tonga | Vietnam |
Trinidad and Tobago | Virgin Islands, British |
Tunisia | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
Turkey | Wallis and Futuna |
Turkmenistan | Western Sahara |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Yemen |
Tuvalu | Zambia |
Uganda | Zimbabwe |